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Wednesday, April 10, 2024 (7:30 AM - 10:00 AM) GMT+8

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The Merchants 大酉(上海旗舰店)

No 52, Yong Fu Road, Shanghai

Shanghai, China

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Ardi Barnard (Consul General at The New Zealand Consulate General in Shanghai)

Ardi Barnard

Consul General at The New Zealand Consulate General in Shanghai

Ardi Barnard has been appointed as New Zealand’s Consul-General to Shanghai, commencing in February 2023.

A career diplomat, Ardi served most recently as Lead Adviser at the MFAT Auckland Office from 2021 to 2022, engaging with a wide range of New Zealand businesses and foreign affairs stakeholders in New Zealand’s largest city.

His previous postings have been to Cairo (including language training 2011-2013), Riyadh (2013-2014), and as Deputy Ambassador and Consul in Seoul (2017-2021).

In head office in Wellington, Ardi has served in the Economic and Middle East & Africa divisions, and in the Chief Executive’s Office. In 2014/2015, he was seconded for six months as Private Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and served as Consular Case Operations Manager for the Afghanistan Departures Taskforce in 2021/22.

Ardi has degrees in law and commerce from Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand. Ardi’s whakapapa/heritage is Afrikaans (South Africa).



他曾在开罗(其中2011-2013年接受语言培训)、利雅得(2013-2014年) 任职。2017-2021年担任驻韩国副大使兼领事。



Richard Dunsheath (Trade Commissioner at New Zeland Trade and Enterprise)

Richard Dunsheath

Trade Commissioner at New Zeland Trade and Enterprise

Richard Dunsheath is New Zealand's trade commissioner in Shanghai, where he is responsible for delivering value to New Zealand companies in East China.

Richard has spent over 10 years working for public and private organisations in China, Australia and New Zealand. He has had an extensive career at NZTE, including roles as director of sales and digital services, director global market research, and as a customer manager helping a portfolio of New Zealand technology companies expand internationally.

Before joining NZTE, Richard worked in the waste management and franchising industries.

He has a Master of International Business from the University of Auckland, and bachelor's degrees in commerce and physical education from the University of Otago. He has attended leadership programmes in Japan, Singapore, India, Indonesia and Germany.

David Boyle (CEO of Primary Collaboration New Zealand (PCNZ))

David Boyle

CEO of Primary Collaboration New Zealand (PCNZ)

David was appointed as CEO of Primary Collaboration New Zealand (Shanghai) Ltd in April of 2019. David first came to China with Lion Nathan brewers in 1997 as one of their first group of Directors. After ten years with Lion Nathan, he has subsequently held COO, and CEO roles in local Chinese, and American businesses based in Shanghai. In 2008, he and his wife formed their own HR and consulting business in Shanghai supporting International companies’ entry to China, with recruitment, coaching, and legal guidance.

David has an undergraduate degree in languages and Chinese history, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration.

David has an undergraduate degree in languages and Chinese history, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration.

David is a board member of NZBRiC.
