
Membership in NZBRiC is open to individuals and entities who share the objectives of NZBRiC. The members will be comprised of four main parts.

INDUSTRY REPRESENTATIVE Members who are willing to contribute time and Industry Representative Membership to

NZBRiC. It is expected that Industry Members will from time to time take the organizational lead (alongside the Executive Director) on various NZBRiC projects and initiatives or contribute significantly to such projects and initiatives; Industry Members also have the opportunity to be elected as Industry Chair to their respective Industry Forum as well as have the opportunity to be elected as a Board Director. Industry members can access the industry-level benefits* of NZBRiC membership

CORPORATE MEMBERS Members must be companies that are related to a New Zealand-registered company through its ownership structures. (I.E. Parent company or subsidiary of a New Zealand registered company). Corporate members can access the corporate-level benefits* of NZBRiC membership, attend Board meetings upon Board invitation, and qualify for selected discounts at NZBRiC events.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Members must be companies that are registered as a legal entity in China and have demonstrated experience in working with and supporting New Zealand Business interests in China. Associate members must have a New Zealand registered company, which is known to the Board, that conducts business in China to write a letter of recommendation to support their Associate Membership to NZBRiC. Associate Members are willing to contribute time to achieve NZBRiC objectives. Associate members can access the associate-level benefits of NZBRiC membership*, and qualify for selected discounts at NZBRiC events.

INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Members are New Zealand Passport holders or New Zealand permanent residence; and individuals who are willing to contribute time to achieve NZBRiC objectives. Individual Members have access to individual-level benefits of NZBRiC membership.

*Detailed membership benefits can be recieved by sending an email request to

  • Individual Membership
    12 months
    Package price
    RMB 1,000

    INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Members are New Zealand Passport holders or New Zealand permanent residence; and individuals who are willing to contribute time to achieve NZBRiC objectives. Individual Members have access to individual-level benefits of NZBRiC membership.